Tuesday, September 15, 2009

All Thats Wierd and Wonderfull

Hello World,
I wanted to start this with a gigantic whinge about everything that I dont like, but then I thought about how negative that would be.
So then I thought to write about all the things that I like, that give me pleasure, that motivate me and give the day meaning. And then I thought why be negative...
There are many things that please me, the ducks in the park, a mother calming her baby, the sunlight on the water, sunset over the trees, to name but a few.
Each of us (religion accepted) has only one life, and we had better make the most of it. Those of us who expect to progress into further lives, as far as my understanding goes, the same principle applies -- the better we conduct our selves in this life the more comfortable the next. Christian/catholic/judistic is more or less the same, but over less steps.
But here agian I have to stop myself, I do not want to get into a religous debate. All religions/creads should be able to peacfully co-exist.
Ok, no animosity, lets all just be calm, even if that might mean taking a deep breath, and tollerating things that we might not otherwise do. Thats whats called living in a small place without geting on each others nerves.

I'm sure more will follow later.


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